Supplies Needed:
Bibi Dark Riding Hood Kit. You can find where to purchase it on her blog
Bibi's Collection Scraps!Tube by Keith Garvey with close up. You can purchase from his personal store
Keith GarveyPlugins Needed:
Eye Candy 4000- Marble
Eye Candy 4000- Gradient Glow
DSB Flux- Bright Noise
OK Let's get started.
Open a blank canvas 600 x 250. Now open bibidarkrh papers(11) then copy and paste as a new layer. Ok now repositon so that the top right corner of the paper is in the top right corner of your tag. Then go to adjust/hue and saturation/colorize or hit shift L. Ok now choose a color that compliments your tube.
Next open up your tube then choose the closest close-up layer. Now copy and paste as a new layer then move to the right side of your tag. Now lower the opacity to 60 and then change the blend mode to hard light. Now open bibidarkrh elem(72) then copy and paste as a new layer. Now move to the right side of your tag then hit shift H and change the color to black. Now duplicate then go to image/mirror and lower the opacity on both to 50.
Open bibidarkrh elem(7) then copy and paste as a new layer. Now open bibidarkrh elem(92) then copy and paste as a new layer. Now resize once by 30% and then again by 80%. Positon to your liking at the bottom of the tag. Next open bibidarkrh elem(22) then copy and paste as a new layer. Resize 1st by 35% then resize again by 50%. Now move to the left hand side of your tag at the edge of the grass mound.
OK now open bibidarkrh elem(27) then copy and paste as a new layer. Now resize once by 30% then resize again by 70% and position in the lower left corner. OK now open bibidarkrh elem(2) then copy and paste as a new layer. Now resize twice by 50% and positon by the tower covering the mushrrom stems.
Next find your tube again and select the full sized tube then copy and paste as a new layer. Now positon on the right side to your liking. OK now add a new raster layer then go to selections/select all then selections/select selection borders with a width of 6 and the inside radial checked. Now flood fill the selection with a darker color from your tag. Now add a new raster layer then go to selections/select all then back to selections/modify/select selection borders. Change the width to 3 then hit ok and flood fill the selection with a lighter color from your tag. Selections/select none.
OK click back on the first border layer then go to effects/plugins/eye candy 4000/marble with these settings: 8.64,8030,79. Now click on the 2nd border layer then go to effects/plugins/dsb flux/ bright noise with these settings: intensity 80 and direction mix.
Now find a nice gothic type font for the wording on your tag. I'm using Waters Gothic color of dark red of one to match your tag. Now type out Dark Desire and position to your liking then convert to raster layer. Now go to selections/select all then back to selections/float, selections/defloat, selections/modift/smooth with both set to 10 and both boex checked then go to selections/modify/expand and expand by 2. Now add a new raster layer then flood fill with the lighter color from your tag then go to selections/modify/expand and again expand by 2. Now add a new raster layer and flood fill with the dark color from your tag. Now go to selections/select none.
Now move the light color above the dark layer and move the text layer to the top of both. OK now on the light layer go to effects/plugins/dsb flux/bright noise with the same settings as before except change the direction to dark. Now click on the dark outline and use the marble settings we used on the border.
OK now add your credit layer and apply a slight gradient glow using eye candy 4000/gradient glow. Next add you name layer and then apply a slight gradient glow.
Save & Done!